Saturday, September 24, 2011

End of Week 1

It's the end of my first of two weeks in Haiti, and I have to say that I failed at keeping up with blogging. At the beginning of the week, I thought that this would be a really long two weeks. Now, I can hardly believe that one week is at it's end and Pat and I are halfway done with this trip! Tom and Amy leave tomorrow. Two of our second week's group members (Paige and Chris) arrived tonight. Tomorrow the rest of our second week crew arrives. I have been taking notes about this past week and will need to do a massive blog update with all the going-ons of this week. But, that will not happen tonight. This is the first night in a while I have to the chance to get a good night's sleep and since somehow I managed to get a cold in Haiti, I think sleep is probably the best option for me. It's been a great week and I have lots of stories and pictures to share!

At the orphanage

our friends from the orphanage

Fort Jacques

children in a rural farming community outside Petionville

mountain pathways through the farmland 

Farming up in the mountains near Fort Jacques


  1. love the shirt in your picture dear! :P loving your blog!! can't wait to see you when you get back. i texted you but realized you probably won't get it, but i'm done at 4pm on the 3rd so we should do dinner if you will still be around!
